News, Updates & Events

Moonlighting Uber employee sacked

A recent judgement by the Fair Work Commission has shed light on workers moonlighting as Uber drivers, after a Perth man, Mr Jacob (‘the Applicant’), was dismissed for failing to declare that he drove for the ride sharing platform. The Applicant’s employment was terminated last year from his printer position at Western Australia Newspapers Ltd […]

Legal battle to protect trade secrets successful

Stevedore DP World Australia (‘the Plaintiff’) has won a recent legal battle to protect trade secrets after the Supreme Court of NSW upheld a restraint of trade provision the Plaintiff imposed on a former employee. The Plaintiff’s former terminal manager Bruce Guy (‘the Defendant’) was ordered to serve out a three month garden leave period […]

Beware: Procedural errors render dismissal unjust

A recent Fair Work Commission (‘FWC’) decision has demonstrated the importance of procedural fairness in dismissal proceedings. Platypus Shoes Pty Ltd’s (‘the Respondent’) store manager, Mr Jimenez (‘the Applicant’) was dismissed for serious misconduct on 9 October 2015. The allegations against the Applicant included the following: Misuse of a 20% immediate family discount on shoes […]